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Part 5: a Mindwarp is at the Center of the Plot, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Part 5

The series of events which are a part of the Mysterious Planet is over. In part 5 of the Trial of the Timelord,(1) the Valeyard takes the court to another place in the universe. In this part of the series, we meet Sil from Vengeance on Varos again. The Doctor and Peri travel to Thoros Beta, Sil’s home planet. At this point in the trial, I expect nothing less than tension and stress in the courtroom. And that is what we find as the episode begins.

The beginning of this episode shows much about the attitude of the Valeyard and the Doctor. It seems a bad sign for the Doctor as the inquisitor puts him in his place and then her response to the Valeyard after he addresses her. The Doctor appears to be in trouble as the fifth part of the trial begins.

The use of someone from another episode seems to aid the story. The Doctor and Peri run into Sil, yes Sil from Vengeance on Varos. The Valeyard’s evidence take us to Thoros Beta, Sil’s home planet. The events here show how the Doctor meddles in the affairs of other planets. And that is the point the Valeyard wants to make. As the story begins, we find the Doctor with a weapon he takes off of the Warlords of Thordon. He knows he must find out where the warlord got it.

He states that and the Valeyard uses that as part of his evidence. The disintegrator gun accidentally goes off and kills a creature which attacks Peri and the Doctor in the caves. After this, everything goes downhill for the Doctor and Peri.

The events of this episode surround Sil and his mentor Kiv. There are things taking place on Thoros Beta, which are wrong. Of course, the Doctor becomes a part of these events. He finds things which he was not expecting. One which the Doctor and Peri find a man chained in the caves who acts like a wolf. After the Doctor and Peri get away from the wolf-like, the trial returns the courtroom. At this point, the Valeyard accuses the Doctor of putting his companions in danger first rather than him going in first.

The scientist whose name is Crozier has been experimenting on men and other life forms. He created the creature in the caves as well changed the man into the wolf. But this is not all which is going on here. Kiv and Sil are business partners trying to make money, Kiv has headaches because his brain is too big for his skull.

Crozier is trying to find a suitable head to move the consciousness of Kiv. So far, he has not had any luck. King Yarcanos is on the table when we first meet Crozier. While Crozier is trying to test Yaracnos to see if his brain will work as the new home for Kiv’s consciousness.

Outside of the murder of the creature, the Doctor is not that involved in the events on the planet. But we leave with the Doctor being hooked up to Crozier’s machine. When part 5 ends, you are wondering what is going to happen.


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