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Origins of the Master

What I know about the Master is rather a small and all I can write is from what I have seen on television. Now, I personally have watched Terror of the Autons and love the show. The origins of the Master are not given in this serial. The Master seems to just appear and becomes a recurring archenemy of the Doctor.

I do not know what Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks thought would be a good character, but what they choose is awesome.  At the time the Master arrives on the scene, the audience knows that the Doctor is a Time Lord and a renegade one at that. Then Letts and Dicks bring another renegade Time Lord to show with name the Master.

There is an unrelated character which is in The Mind Robbers which goes by the Master.(1) So, maybe Letts and Dicks got the name from that story. The information I read does not point to that being where they get the name or character. So, they want to make the show interesting by adding another Time Lord an intellect and genius to match the Doctor. Therefore, to relate the education of the character the title the Master is used. I truly can’t remember if they give any of the early information about the Master and his relationship with the Doctor at the time that Letts and Dicks add him to the show. But what can say is that I love what they do with him.

Until the death of Roger Delgado, the Master is a thorn in the Doctor’s side. He seems to show up and then after his defeat disappears only to return. He seems to always have some diabolical scheme to take over the Earth, which the Doctor stands as its protector. As a result, the Doctor defeats the Master multiple times during Jon Pertwee’s reign as the Doctor.

In the origins of the Master, we find that when Letts and Dicks are trying cast someone for the role. Their only choice is Roger Delgado.(2) Which I personally think is the right choice. After watching nearly every one of his episodes as the Master, really wish he is the Master still today. Delgado did a wonderful job, therefore it saddens me that he loses his life to a car accident.

The Master is worthy foe of the Doctor and is just as much of a genius. He challenges the Doctor in every way, but seems never to be able to overcome the Doctor. The origins of the Master are well before Letts and Dicks decide to bring him to the program, but what they do with the character is great. Making him the villain and then using him as they do is so many different stories is awesome.

Does the Master have a relationship with the Doctor? Well, in the beginning and as part of the origins of the Master there does not seem like much to find. But, since they are both Time Lord’s and both renegades and apparently the same age. I am sure that there is a history between the two. That is information for another time. I love the Master and truly love Roger Delgado as the Master. I just wish that the full length serials were available for the Third Doctor.




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