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No Daleks: How Strange Would It Be?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

No Daleks

Before anyone gets to upset, please read this article. If you read the article, you will find that there were almost no Daleks in the revived serious. Now, some of you may not be upset, but for the most part, you would have been.

For most fans, the Daleks are an integral part of Doctor Who. It does not matter. If Russell T Davies had a replacement for them, it is not going to be the same. These enemies of the Doctor are the first aliens he faces. They became one of the most if not the most loved.

Before saying too much more, there is some background information everyone needs to know and understand. According to the articles, the people who created the characters own the rights to them. It is something like having a copyright on an item or movie or television show. So, in the case of the Daleks, it is owned by Terry Nations and now by his estate.

If you want to rerecord or use parts of someone else’s material, one must gain their permission to do so. So, the BBC and Davies sat down with Terry Nation’s estate and tried to get the necessary permission. At first, they were not able to get a deal meaning not having them for fans. How would it have worked out? Who knows because Davies says he had a new enemy to replace the Daleks. Would they catch the attention of the fans? Who knows because they were able to hash out a deal.

To think that Doctor Who has no Daleks is insane at the least. As long as Doctor Who has been on, there has been Daleks. They debuted in the second episode and grew into a cult classic. Their popularity is off the charts, and there will be damage to the show had the been no Daleks in the new series.

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