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New Energy: Chibnall hopes to Bring Some, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

New Energy

Huw Fullerton of Radio Times tells us in this article about comments made by David Tennant about what Chris Chibnall is trying to do. As I read the article, I saw there is more change than I had anticipated. So, you know I begin to think about all of this. I am wondering if the new energy mentioned will be real or just smoke and mirrors.

My hope is everything I hear and read turns out to be true. I don’t feel like being let down because everything does not turn out as advertised. Doctor Who fans can be fickle and don’t want to be disappointed. Then there are those fans who have already chosen not to watch anyway. Well, to each their own and they may never know what they are missing. I believe we need to give this a chance before passing judgment.

So, Chibnall is hiring new writers for Doctor Who. How is that going to work? I have to admit I don’t know anything about writing and producing a television show, but the hiring of new writers does concern me. I wonder if they will be good or bad? Will these new writers be what Doctor Who needs? There are many changes already that we have to wait to see how they are going to work. Then we read about new writers. Will this make things better?

I don’t know? I suppose we will have to wait and see if this is a good idea, and I hope this works and we don’t get some lame stories that do not work. For now, I am going to trust the direction Chibnall is going, but I may be too trusting. He is the showrunner and is suppose to know what he is doing. The BBC has put their trust in him. Does that mean they think he can do the job? I guess you can say that, but only time will tell for the fans.


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