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Moffat: Why His Time as Showrunner May Not Be A Complete Success, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


I read somewhere that said that Steven Moffat run Doctor Who through the golden age for the show. As I think back over the last seven years the show has had its ups and downs. These ups and downs are expected since he was the showrunner for seven years. There are times I love the program then there are others I really did not like it, but that is expected from all viewers.

I love Doctor Who and have since I was 9 or 10 years old. So, when things changed in the 80’s I still watched it. Okay, things are not that bad and I hope they never get that bad again, or at least that is my opinion. When Moffat took over in 2010, I truly loved Matt Smith as the Doctor. The best part to me is when he says that bowties are cool. I love the way Moffat brings the story of RIver Song full circle. I never would think the Amy and Rory are her parents. So, that is some success during the years that Moffatt runs the show. The River Song idea is a great one and I love it.

I think where the viewership begins to leave is during Peter Capaldi’s time as the Doctor. Now, I love Capaldi as the Doctor, but Moffat seem to write the show around Clara and not the Doctor. I can understand writing a few stories around Clara but not most of them. Many of the viewers see this and I guess stop watching.

Now, season 10 to me is a good one. I believe these get back somewhat to the Matt Smith era. They are engaging and I like the old school nature of Season 10. So, I feel that Season 10 was a bigger success for Moffat, but I don’t know how other viewers feel.

In an article I read, the writer talks about how Moffat does not do comedy as well as Russell Davies. That writer may be a little critical as most of them can be at times. Doctor Who is a sci-fi show and not a comedy. I do remember though when Tom Baker was the Doctor that there was a good bit of comedy which he does very well.

Okay, some comedy in Doctor Who is alright, but that is not what I am looking for when I watch it. I want to see a great show with action and sci-fi. I do hope that the reboot can bring back some viewers. The BBC wants this mostly I think because of merchandise sales not being as good. But then after seven years a change is something many are looking for. Some whovians do not like what Moffat did. I personally do not like some, like some, then love other parts.

So, the reboot is coming at the right time. With viewership down, I hope that the casting of Jodie Whitacker as the 13th Doctor can actually boost ratings. From what I see in Broadchurch, Chris Chibnall may do the show justice. Time will only tell and what we need do is wait and see.

I cannot say that all of Moffat’s time was not successful, but the last few years have not been great. There are some stories I love from seasons 8 and 9 and then many of the ones from Season 10. I hope that Chris Chibnall can do some real good things and bring back viewers.

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