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Moffat Continues Christmas Special Tradition, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

A Tradition Continues

At this time, I can believe there is going to be another Christmas special from my favorite sci-fi television show. The classic series never did any of these and consequently as a viewer I did not think about seeing a new one every year. While the classic series is not up to doing these type of special episodes, it has become a yearly tradition with the revival of the show.

In the article I read, I find that Pearl Mackie is not in this episode, but at the same time the Doctor is not going to be without a companion.(1)  To be honest with you I don’t think that it is Doctor Who if the Doctor does not have a companion. Thinking back over the years I have been a fan, I can’t remember a time he does not have a companion. Oh, wait, I maybe wrong but maybe the Tenth Doctor did not have one. I am not sure but I believe there was a story or two where the Tenth Doctor is alone. But please don’t quote me on that one. Oh, yeah I do remember something about this. There is a saying by Rose I believe that the Doctor is dangerous if he is alone, not sure though.

My hope with the news of another Christmas special all whovians are excited about this. I find the Christmas special to be a break in the regular program to bring us a little Christmas on television. I enjoy watching them and hope for more stories likes these.  And my hope is this one is as good as the ones before it.

IF you remember in the season finale of last season the Clara dies and then the Doctor tries to stop her death. Then in the process he loses his memory of her and what she looks like. This of course is just a way to remove Jenna Coleman from the show since she is leaving. But, Moffat does not leave the Doctor alone. What Moffat is doing is having Matt Lucas be the Doctor’s companion. I personally do not remember him but I also have not seen the episode he play a role in but one time. Lucas’s is previously seen with his head atop a robot’s body in The Husbands of River Song from last season. He also the former assistant of River Song as well.(2)

Then there is news of the Christmas special having a superhero.(3) Now as far as heros in the show, you that the Doctor is usually the hero. So, this is a break in the tradition of Doctor Who. As a result, Justin Chatwin is playing the superhero. The article mentions that he has roles in War of the Worlds, the US remake of Shameless, and American Gothic.(4) While he stars in these shows, I personally have not seen him in action. I have not seen this movie nor the television shows the article mentions.

As the tradition continues with the Christmas Specials continue, I am hoping that the quality of the shows continue as well. I love the Christmas specials because they are a break from the regularly scheduled programing, LOL.


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