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Mind-blowing: This Fan Hopes Season 11 Does, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Huw Fullerton wrote this article which raises many fans to hope for great stories. Jodie Whittaker, the Thirteenth Doctor, describes Season 11 episodes as mind-blowing. But Doctor Who once again will have to wait until autumn to see new who. Don’t get me wrong because I love watching reruns, especially classic Doctor Who. But having to wait that long for new Who is crazy. You would figure the BBC could find a way to get the show on the air before then.

Fans need to understand that Whittaker was only giving a small glimpse of the season. She was not able to get into any detail because of spoilers. The news is what fans want to hear. Therefore, it builds excitement for the coming season which is what the BBC wants going into Season 11.

Since the ratings of Doctor Who apparently went down, the BBC wanted to change things with Doctor Who. Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall are at the center of the change with the hopes of increasing viewership. Whittaker coming out and expressing her thoughts about the stories being mind-blowing is something companies do when they are introducing a new product.

After the last three seasons or maybe more than three, the BBC saw it needed change. The hope of fans is Season 11 lives up to the hype. A hype which is necessary to help get people interested. The BBC wants to raise interest in Season 11 so ratings will be better.

Chibnall wrote some stories for Doctor Who. The ones he wrote were decent. It is not like CHibnall does not know how to write sci-fi for Doctor Who.  So, maybe what Whittaker is saying is correct. The thing is this is her opinion. Everyone else will have their own once they watch Season 11.

But because of a crazy waiting period, we will have to wait until autumn before we can say whether some episodes are mind-blowing or not.


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