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Is There a New Master Plan, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Master Plan

After reading this article, there seems to be a theory that there is a new master plan. Of course, fans know an enemy like the Master doesn’t appear without an ultimate plan. So, there are questions to asked and need to be answered to help find the reasons for the return.

Fans of Doctor Who know the Master is one enemy who will not just disappear. Yeah, Missy and John Simm’s Master killed each other in Capaldi’s last episode, but that doesn’t mean the Master is not returning. His reveal is eye-opening. It is something fans did not see coming. Okay, it surprises everyone, but where does this take us. Well, there are theories and questions. So, what are they?

Well, first off, there are three parties. For this plan to take over earth, the Master uses two other participants. It is himself, the Kasaavin and Daniel Barton. Heis using them to get to the desired end. It not too far fetched to believe the Master wants to destroy the human race. Of course, this is not the first time and won’t be the last time either.

So, you ask why to involve the Kassavin and Barton. Well, he can’t do everything by himself. He does need some help, and each of the other participants has the talent he needs. The Kassavin can wipe a person’s DNA leaving a shell. A shell he can use as a massive hard drive. How ingenious is that? Why not use the dead bodies as massive data banks? But will it work, and how long will it take to wipe all human DNA?

Well, Barton steps up as a technological genius. His work with computers and the internet allows the Master access to everyone through technology. So, the Kassavin can enter humans through the internet and wipe their DNA. Wow, thinking about this can bring. If this isn’t fiction, there could be mass panic. Thankfully we will not see this for real, but it is entertaining.

So, the new master plan is not a new plan. The fans have seen this before and seen it fail. Once again, the Doctor wins, and the Master leaves to fight another day.


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