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Make My Day: Meeting Jodie Whittaker Would, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Make My Day

To make my day as a Doctor Who fan would be to meet the person playing the Doctor. What a thrill it will be to stand next to Jodie Whittaker for a photo. Wow, how that would feel and what a grand experience. Well, there were a few fans who went to Twitter and posted pictures with Whittaker. Eleanor Bley Griffiths wrote about it in this article.

Wow, what a fan would do to meet the actor or actress playing the Doctor. To tell you the truth that would most definitely make my day. Fans everywhere are always looking for the opportunity to meet their favorite character. It does not matter when or where they just want to meet them. How exciting it would be for any fan to meet Whittaker.

Living in America does have its disadvantages, but it does not mean you won’t meet Whittaker. Meeting Whittaker would be something all fans want to do. She does play the most important character on Doctor Who, but at the same time, she is the first female Doctor. That in itself makes her reign a little different from other actors.

The fact she is the first female Doctor is a big deal. Therefore, there have been problems caused by this. Well, everyone has their opinion, but as fans, we cannot let others sway our views. There is not one person that knows what the show will be like with her as the Doctor until we see her first episode.

Fans everywhere would love a chance to meet Whittaker and anyone else associated with Doctor Who. So, the fans find ways to see their favorite Doctors and companions at organized events called Comic cons. Albeit for the price of a ticket, it is still a chance to meet present and past actors and actresses of Doctor Who.

In conclusion, honestly, this fan and surely other fans will do anything to meet Whittaker or other members of the cast. Being able to meet Whittaker as well other members would make the day of any Doctor Who fan.












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