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Looks: Jodie Whittaker Was Ask to Change Hers, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Okay, as fans most of them are not going to worry a lot about Jodie Whittaker’s looks. At least not to the extent this article tells us. The idea of filling in a line on her forehead and waxing her lip seems a little anal.

There are not many fans if any who look that close at the face of an actor or actress. That seems a little too much and would make many actors upset. No, Jodie is not perfect, but why put so much pressure on her to change her looks. Did they think things would be better with her changing those to things? Who knows whether it would be or not because Whittaker did not take their advice. And everything turned out fine.

The people in charge seem to have a certain look and standard. They want the person to be perfect, and there isn’t anybody who is. Everyone makes mistakes as well as everyone having physical imperfections. Someone may look perfect, but they are not. It is these imperfections which makes everyone unique. Yeah, people have scars and wrinkles, but just because they have them does not disqualify them in any way neither does it make them less beautiful.

People sometimes don’t think things will go well if there are no changes in the features of an actor. Well, looks are not all that counts. There are pieces to the puzzle which are required. Okay, for some maybe looks has a little part to play, but for most, they want good acting, writing, and production. They want a see a good program if not great.

Is it a good thing Whittaker did not change her look? Who knows because she did not give in to the pressure place in her. Most fans if not all like Whittaker the way she is. Trying to change someone is not always the best thing. Not all fans are happy with the final product from season 11, but for the most part, Whittaker did an admiral job as the Doctor.


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