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Listen: The Kid in the Barn at the End, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


I believe that is common knowledge that the kid at the end of Listen is the Doctor. The first time I see this episode I am really dumbfounded. I watch it a second time it makes more sense. I just really want to talk about this because for once the story somewhat revolves around the Doctor for a short time.

As far as the episode itself goes, I found rather weird. Now, I am a Whovian and really may not need to find it weird. But with the way it jumps around kind of throws you off a little the first time you see it. What seems to happening is something in the timeline of Clara. The reason I say this is because the Doctor says several time the TARDIS was linked to Clara timeline. I can say that I am not a real fan of everything revolving around Clara or any companion.

I think is pretty cool that they went back to see Danny Pink when he is a boy. The Doctor and Clara find out that he is afraid of the dark. The Doctor then tries to help him. This supposed monster is after him. This is where the listen comes in. You listen but then he talks to Danny and they find a way to get rid of the monster.

Then they jump forward in time to 100 years into the future and the Doctor finds Orson Pink. Here is where it gets a little weird though. The Doctor will not bring him back if he is not in Clara’s timeline somewhere. They then travel to the end of it all including Orson. This really is a little hard for me to grasp as to why they do this so I really do not have much to say.

Then we get near the end. We see the TARDIS materialize in a barn where this kid is hiding in the loft. Clara is under the bed. The kids parents are there and they are talking about him. It is here we find out that the kid is afraid of the dark. It is at this point that Clara grabs the legs of the kid and says so comforting words he lays down. Now, with the idea of this being in CLara’s timeline, there can only be one answer as to who he is. He has to be the Doctor.

Our favorite Time Lord, the Doctor is afraid of the dark. Of course CLara says that before they reach the barn and it seems that she helps the Doctor. We don’t see his face but I am pretty set on it being the Doctor. Now, listen here could mean there is silence and you have nothing to worry about. Which is then I get the episode, but if that is not what ie means then I missed it.

Here another synopsis if you want to read it.









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