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Limitless: The Actor Must Be Able To Do Everything, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Joe Julians wrote this article about how Davies expects the person cast as the Doctor to have a limitless ability. Now, you must ask what does he mean? The idea brings excitement as to what Davies wants to do. What can he do differently?  When one hears Davies wants someone who can do anything and everything, our expectations rise. What will Davies do with the new Doctor? Where is he taking the next era of Doctor Who?

Everyone knows Davies ran Doctor Who at a time when things were good. His Doctors are favorites for many fans. The Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, was voted most popular. Fans are excited as well as they should be, but will their hopes be too high? How high are their hopes? It is understandable to have high hopes, especially with what they saw in the last two years.

How does Davies beat the five years with the Ninth Doctor and Tenth Doctor? Fans know he loves the show and understands what the BBC wants. Fans will love to see a fresh new look and will watch because of Davies. Davies came back because of his love of Doctor Who. The BBC brings him back because they want Doctor Who to remain relevant. Doctor Who is the flagship program of the BBC. Doctor Who is how many Americans know about the BBC. Fans of Doctor Who began to grow in the early 80s with PBS, who had Doctor Who episodes air after school. At least, that is how Louisianians became aware of Doctor Who.

Fans hope for a return to the first few years of the new Who. Of course, those who watched Doctor Who in the 60s, 70s, and 80s are more critical than new fans. The reasons are many. Davies is good because he satisfies the older fans and the new fans. He wants an actor/actress with limitless ability to do what Doctor Who needs. The BBC trusts him with Doctor Who because he knows what he is doing. Who is the person who fits these criteria? Is there anyone who will satisfy Davies’s expectations? All fans can do is prepare for something great from Davies with the best match.



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