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Life is Like Light and the Eaters of Light Suck the Life out of People, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Life in some circles is representative of light. So, if someone says that the light has left a person, their life is no longer. Now, I don’t know if all people will see this like I do, but that does not matter. In this episode or story, the Doctor battles creatures that go by the name of eaters of light. They use tentacles which when they wrap the around a person they drain the life. Therefore I get the analogy of light is life.

This story was okay. I really did not get into it as much as the other ones. It has a good story line, it just seems there could be more too it. The Doctor as always seems to have met them before, but we do not get any background. Sometimes this is okay but I do wish that I can get more sometimes as well. The storyline is something which at times seems a little hard to follow. You don’t get to see the creature until the end. I like that they use Stonehenge in this story though. It is a little weird though.

It is imaginative the way they portray the present day children playing at Stonehenge and the girl acting like she knows something is going on there. Overall, I can say that the show is interesting but the way they do leaves a little bit to be said. The action is less and I guess there is a reason for that. The use of the Scottish people or maybe Celtic people is a nice touch. Then we the Romans again. Which is the second time that Steven Moffat does this. If you remember, Rory is a Roman soldier one time.

The Eaters of Light is something which can be used again and I would think about it. Of course, I am not the showrunner so I don’t see it happening again. I think this is something they need to develop further and give the fans something to think on. But that is what I am fan and I don’t have a say in what takes place on the show.


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