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Key Role: Matt Smith to Do Star Wars, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Key Role

Well, well, well Matt Smith has done some good. According to this article by Galifradio, Matt Smith will play a key role in Star Wars Episode IX. Okay, is this a surprise? No, not really, because he is a great actor. What I take from this is Doctor Who producers cast some of the best in the business.

Although all I know of Smith is Doctor Who, this fan is biased. His work on Doctor Who was amazing and it allows him to get other roles. I did not watch The Crown, but I know that is another program he stars.

The one sure thing is he will do a great job as whatever character he plays. Whether he is with Rebels or with the Empire, he will be awesome. Seeing him as a hero is very easy because he was a good guy on Doctor Who. As far as The Crown goes, I am not so sure. He plays one of the kings I believe.

I find not one reason why Smith should not do a great job in the movie. I do admit I have not been able to watch Episode XIII which means I am behind in the saga. But from what someone told it wasn’t great.

Well, Smith is doing a lot. One role I did forget which he played was in Terminator: Genius. My son reminded me of that one, and I did not believe him. I am happy to see Smith and other actors and actresses get roles in other big films and television roles. We remember them as their character on Doctor Who.

The one thing says is that our Doctors and companions are great actors and actresses. It should not be a surprise for us to see them getting other high profile roles. We need to remember playing a part in Doctor Who can be difficult. It leads to being a better actor. The amount of work Doctor Who requires is enormous.

For fans as well as Smith, the news of his casting for this role is great. We all know he will do a great job and bring something different to Star Wars Episode IX. Because Smith is in Episode IX gives fans something to look forward to watching.



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