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The Judoon Will Make a Comeback in Season 12, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


A scary looking enemy the Judoon will return for season 12. According to this article, the rhino looking aliens are set to face off against the 13th Doctor in 2020. One can say they are not the most beautiful creatures in the universe, but they seem like a formidable opponent.
Will this move by Chris Chibnall be a good one? These guys are not classic monsters, so what will the reaction of Whovians be? Of course, everyone has their opinion on each every creature ever created for Doctor Who. And this one is not any different.
The look of these guys is downright scary. Who wants to run into a rhino on the African plains or even in outer space. These are enemies no one wishes to have. Now, does that mean they are that strong? Well, the look screams strength. So, anyone who sees them will take a step back before attacking them. There is not one person who will say they look like a pushover.
Why is Chibnall bringing these guys back is another question. They don’t seem to all that great after all. Maybe some fans love them, but then for others, it wasn’t the same. How well were they received in the beginning? How much of a splash did they make? The Doctor spoke to them in their language, which was just plain weird in the first place. But what alien language isn’t like that.
Okay, so why are they making such a big deal out of this you may wonder. Honestly, some fans don’t care, but then others think it is good. There does not seem to be any reason to bash Chibnall for trying. He is doing what he can to make Doctor Who better. Well, at least some fans think he is, but there are still those cynical fans who can’t be pleased.
Every fan will have their own opinion, and that is their right. So, is this a good move by Chibnall? Well, everyone will have to wait and see. Let’s wait to judge after the episode airs.
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