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The First Doctor: The Old Man and His Cantankerous Ways, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I want to be honest about this in every way I can. This of course is only my opinion and really only has a basis from just a few serials. I can say that I really have not seen many outside of the ones with Susan, Ian, and Barbara. So, I am not going to say that I am not a total expert on the First Doctor. So, you do not have to take me seriously if you do’t want to.

The first thing I can say is when I first saw the program, the First Doctor is not the man I see. I was nine years old and the most popular Doctor to air is the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker. So, my view of the Doctor and what I expected is from the way that the Fourth Doctor did things. Now, you may say that is a narrow way of thinking, and it is. But you also need to realize I am only nine and very impressionable. So, it is easy to make me see the character as the first one I see portray the Doctor. So, please forgive me for seeing the Doctor in that way.

Now, the Fourth Doctor’s personality and the way he goes about the role is completely different from that of the First Doctor. Tom was what I call a little crazy at times and it brought much excitement to the the role, but that does not mean that there is not excitement in the time of the First Doctor.

The first time I see the First Doctor is about six years after I first learn of the program. By this time, LPB (Louisiana Public Broadcasting) is not showing thirty minute episodes at 4:00 after school. They change the time of airing from then to I believe 9:00 pm on Saturday nights. At this time they are playing full length serial and not just the episodes as they aired on BBC. Once this begins, I finally begin to see that Doctor Who is much more than just Tom Baker. I finally see William Hartnell as the Doctor and I am shocked. The way he plays the Doctor is completely different from Baker, but I like it for the most part.

Since Hartnell is an older gentleman, and from what I believe this may be a little of his own personality coming through. He is rather mean at time with his companions or at least from what I have seen. The description I find is that he is cantankerous and I can agree with that. he also can be rude and as with all Doctors appears to be full of himself. Now you as the reader may not think that way, because those are my thoughts.

It took a little bit for his personality and the way Hartnell portrays the Doctor to grow on me. I will be honest I really did not want to watch too many of his serials at the young age of 15 because I did not completely grasp the role or the program. Hartnell did a wonderful job of playing this cosmic traveler. I won’t say or even call him a hobo, but that is the idea that comes to mind because of the way he just kind of wonders through time and space.

To me, Hartnell portrays the Doctor as an old cranky man. Who when perturbed lets every one know. He wants things his way or just get out of my way, and is a deceiving and conniving old man. He does what he can to get his way even if it means to deceive his companions. Along with being extremely intelligent and he knows can get out of problems, but he does need someone to keep him in check. He can be lovable and I believe the children of that day where fond of him. For me though, I was not that fond and I had to get use to his way of doing things. I did grow to like the First Doctor, but still I have not seen enough of him to know that much about him.

The First Doctor had to grow on me. I did eventually grow to love him, but he is different from the first Doctor I watched. I may not be like most people, but I need time when it comes to a change in any television show. But I do like him and really wish I could see more full length serial of the First Doctor.

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