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Huge: Big Finish Announces Biggest Release, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


This article from Digitalspy gives us something huge. As a Whovian, there isn’t much better to hear, than more Doctor Who is on its way. Whovians around the world can celebrate because of this news. There is not one Whovian who will not be pleased with this.
As many Whovians know, Big Finish release audio plays for Doctor Who and has been for 20 years. This Whovian applauds this publisher for the work it did, is doing and will do in the future. Big FInish is one of the reasons Doctor Who is still alive.
There are plenty of our favorite actors and characters who will take part in this huge event. Big Finish told Morgan Jeffery, they will release the most audiobooks ever.  Hey, this is great, and I can hardly wait. I haven’t listened to any of these, but I hear good things about them. If I had been privy to this during the dark years when there wasn’t any Who, I would have found a way to get a copy.
It will be nice to hear Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Paul McCann, Sylvester McCoy, Alex Kingston, Sophie Aldred, Katy Manning, Jemma Redgrave, Ingrid Oliver, and whoever else they have to reprise their role again. (1) The actors listed are all tremendous actors and actresses. The fact Big Finish chooses to this show their dedication to keeping the Doctor around.
I am so thankful for Big Finish production even though I listened to their work. Many of my fellow Whovians give them a thumbs up. I go on what they say when it comes to the quality of their work, Everything I hear about Big Finish is positive. Of course, the actors and actresses do a great job.
I am so looking forward to these releases and finding a copy of an older audiobook. With my first copy, I will get to know Big Finish better. Hey, it is all good when you can find anything Doctor Who.

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