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Matt Smith hints at Possibility of a Female Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Doctor of Another Gender

Man, who in this world will believe that a female will play the main character on Doctor Who. In the past, this is something I see as impossibility. Well, with the way the world view woman in the past is far different than now. Consequently, a female Doctor was out of the question. With changing time there are changing ways. I say this because in the latest series of Doctor Who, it seems hip for Time Lords to be either male or female. Of the new things I see in the show this is somewhat weird. I never realized or maybe it is never said, that I am not certain. BUt, the fact that the Master is now Missy, it changes the playing field.

Why Matt Smith would flatter a fan’s daughter (1) I cannot say, but it got my attention. The thing I think could be happening but not intentionally is the hopes of it happening could being raised. Matt may not have been trying to that but it is a possibility. I personally will not want to do that because the child will hurt if she fails to become the Doctor.

I do not see a problem with having a female Doctor. To be honest, it will really interesting. All the other actors bring their own little things to the role, therefore seeing how a female portrays the Doctor will be awesome. Of course there is the possibility of new viewers with a female Doctor, as well s what she will bring to the role. I hope the producers know what they are looking for when they are doing auditions, but I have complete confidence in the production team of Doctor Who.

I will accept a female Doctor and I believe a more diverse cast will do the show good. Diversifying the show by having a female Doctor would be awesome. I would love to see how a female Doctor reacts to some of the Challenges the Doctor faces. Therefore, bring her on Doctor Who Production team.

I am not a racist by any means, and will watch the show whether the Doctor is black or any other ethnicity. To me it does not matter as long as the actor is good and makes the show interesting to watch. In our world today, people view other races as well as females differently then they did years back. Consequently, things change and therefore this things are very possible.

When we are going to see a female doctor, I cannot say but don’t be surprised if you here a female name when they announce who the next Doctor is. Please don’t quit watching just because the Doctor is wearing a dress

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