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HBO Max is Now Streaming Doctor Who Episodes, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Okay, my fellow Whovians, there is some good news. According to this article, HBO Max will stream Doctor Who episodes from the revived series. This is good news for Doctor Who fans, but they can see future premieres on BBC America. It makes a second avenue for fans to watch New Who.

For those who don’t know the history of Doctor Who, the author gives a small amount of history. He explains how the changed the face of the lead actor/actress to help keep the show interesting. Older Whovians know about all the Doctors. They have their favorite or favorites. They are also critical at times when things don’t line up with classic Doctor Who.

The special brings three of the last six Doctors together in a zoom meeting for a discussion. How great it had to be the one interviewing these three Doctors? It would be something all Whovians would like to do. How would it feel to do this interview and talk to these three actors/actresses? There is a link to the youtube interview. Fans can watch the video from the article from Screenrant.

Amazingly, they tell us about their time as the Doctor. Then how it is still a large part of their lives. How hard is it to live your life as a former Doctor or as the Doctor? As the Doctor, there is a standard for the role, and fans want each actor to live up it. Fans don’t want the next actor to something to bring disgrace. So, yeah, everyone cast as the Doctor must be careful while playing the Doctor.

But then when you leave the role, people never forget your time as the Doctor. Most fans remember a favorite scene or episode. It stays with them for the rest of their lives. Thank you, Jodie, David, and Matt, for all you do and did for Doctor Who.

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