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Graham: Developing a Relationship With Ryan, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Of course, everyone who is a fan of Doctor Who’s new Doctor and her companions knows about Graham. In Season 11, there are tensions between Graham and his stepgrandson. Some caused by the death of his wife and Ryan’s grandmother’s death. The arc for Walsh’s character in Season 11 revolved around his wife. But according to this article, the arc for him and Ryan changes.

Fans remember the problems surrounding Ryan and his step grandad. Which, for the most part, came because of the death of Ryan’s grandmother, Grace. Graham loved Grace very much, and he cared for and loved Ryan as well. But Ryan did not seem to have the same degree of those same feelings for his step granddad. So, the question to ask here is about the idea of their journey.

There is much to think about when talking about Ryan and Graham. But do fans see their relationship grow into a more loving one? Do we see Ryan be less resistant? Will we see more love from Ryan toward him? Do they have a closer relationship? What does this mean for them? Wow, there are so many different questions to ask. Fans want great stories, but how does this all fit into the overall perspective of Doctor Who? How will fans accept and react to this? Is what we see going to be best for Doctor Who?

If you think about, companions and their relationships affect the show. Whenever the Doctor has more than one companion, problems arose. Well, fans saw the same thing last season with Ryan and Graham. So, what will fans see? Honestly, what Walsh says sheds little light on this. Which means fans will have to wait to get their questions answered. Well, the good news is that we are only about a week away from the premiere of Season 12!



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