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Goodbye: Doctor Who Leaving Its Past Behind, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


According to the video on this post, Doctor Who is saying goodbye its past. After watching it, one will admit it is a possibility. There is a good reason to believe what she says. The BBC wanted change from the beginning.

Anyone who watches Doctor Who will in some wat believe some change was necessary to bring the show forward. With Steven Moffat as the showrunner, you have a mix of new villains and monsters along with the classic villains and monsters. But the idea for the BBC is to revamp the show.

The change began when Chris Chibnall cast Jodie Whittaker as the first female Doctor. But wait a minute, we can’t say that is the beginning because it all starts when Moffat decides to step down. Yeah, I figure when Moffat announced he was leaving the BBC already knows it wants a change. And the change needed was an overall one.

Saying goodbye to the past of Doctor Who may be good or bad. The changes are welcome as long as fans get good episodes and acting. The reporter tells of another time for wholesale change. I remember when Jon Pertwee became the Doctor. I adore him and love what he brought to the show.

During Pertwee’s run as the Doctor, most aspects of the show were great. The only thing I saw which lacked is the special effects. Due to budget constraints, they weren’t good at all. That seems a little picky, but I am just making a simple observation. Anyone who watches Doctor Who will admit the same thing.

The changes made in 1970 went down in history as great. What don’t know is will the changes to Doctor Who in 2018 will have the same effect. I am all for diversity and having multiple ethnic groups apart of the Doctor Who experience. Mixing different races can do great things for Doctor Who. My hope is the changes made make Doctor Who better then it has been. I love what Moffat did for the show, but it’s time to say goodbye to the past for one season. But everyone knows they will eventually bring back the oldies.

It’s not a bad idea not to have the Daleks or Cybermen for one season, but I am sure they will return. Pertwee’s Doctor never faced the Cybermen, but that is alright. Everything may be okay without them. It is something the produces did already, and everything was fine.

Fans are hoping saying goodbye to the past makes Doctor Who better in the future. As a fan, making the right changes can be good, but you make the wrong ones. Saying goodbye to the past can be horrible.




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