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Goldberg, Whoppi, Heart Set on Being First, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


As a Doctor Who fan, many of them would most likely not like the idea of an American playing the Doctor. Well, it seems neither did the producers. According to this article, Whoopi Goldberg asked the producers of Doctor Who to become the first female Doctor. Now, how emphatically they answered her is not stated. But they told her no. She was not hurt by it as she said ok, but she thought it was a good Idea.

Most people know she played Guinan on Star Trek: The Next Generation. She is a fan of the genre and feels it predicts the future. One can see that as being a good reason for being a fan. Whether all fans watch science fiction because it predicts the future is not known, it is possible.

She fells because America does not have such a television show. This the reason she wanted to be the Doctor. Having an American to play the Doctor seems weird at best. There may be an actor or actress who can be a good Doctor, but really. Is that something fans want? And if they do, Whoopi Goldberg does not seem to fit the bill. That may not be everyone’s opinion, but there are some fans with the same feelings.

There may come a day when fans see an American playing the Doctor, but seriously does anyone want that.  Some Doctor Who fans are hard to please and the idea of an Amerian playing the Doctor may or will work. Some people may say Eric Roberts played the Master in the movie. Yeah, but some will say there is a difference. Yeah, the Master the Doctor’s former friend and along with not being the main character either. So, there may be some who disagree with that, but it is the truth. As of the time Goldberg asked to be the Doctor until now, the producers haven’t cast an American. Why hasn’t it happened? Who knows and we need to leave it at that. There is not any reason to hash this out. It is what it is.


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