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First Clip: BBC Gives the World A Tease, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

First Clip

The BBC has kept much about the new Doctor and season clouded in mystery. Over the months leading up to the premiere of Season 11, the fans get bits and pieces which they must mull over. These bits and pieces only give a picture which will be different for each fan. Well, in this article from Digitalspy, we find out the BBC has released the first clip of Jodie Whittaker in action.
Hey, except for those who saw the premiere in Sheffield and the trailers, this is great. The clip does give some idea as to what to expect come October 7th. It may not be but a minute long, but it is enough to wet one’s whistle. Fans have waited for all these months, and they are now receiving concrete evidence from the BBC about the Thirteenth Doctor.
Okay, some may say that is only a minute and doesn’t give me any clue as to what to expect. Fans need to understand to enjoy what you get because that is the way the BBC wants it.
Can the fans see from the clip what they are getting with Whittaker’s Doctor? Is what they see going to make them watch the premiere? Who knows? Some Whovians can be hard to please. For that reason, some fans will like it, while others won’t. Why won’t everyone like this? There can be multiple reasons, but for the most part, the first clip answers some questions.
Some of the stuff you hear on the clip is excellent. The Doctor telling Yasmin and Ryan she is looking for a Doctor is classic. Whittaker first asks Ryan if he is a Doctor and after he answers no, she tells Yasmine and Ryan, she is looking for a Doctor. Which are her thoughts after Ryan tells her it is a tongue.
Fans will be excited or at least should be excited to see one of the first minutes after Whittaker comes to herself. They see her talking about just being a gray-haired Scotsman, which seems to get little reaction from Yasmine and Ryan. How the Doctor reacts to Yasmine calling her madame is great.
This clip does answer a few questions, but not all fans are looking to get answered. But fans don’t have long before they see the first full episode of Season 11, The Woman tho Fell to Earth.
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