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Favorite Doctor: Jodie Admits Hers is Tennant, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Favorite Doctor

Every Whovian has a favorite Doctor. As a fan, there is going to be one we like and connect with more. In this article, Jodie Whittaker tells us hers. Then when I read it, I am not surprised by her choice. Whittaker admits that David Tennant is her favorite Doctor.

Why is that a surprise? I don’t see any reason for it to be any other Doctor. They are the best of friends and have worked together on Broadchurch. Other fans may be able to give reasons why another Doctor will be her favorite, but I am not going to try.

Now, Whittaker admits to not knowing much about the classic Doctors. So, those seven are not in the running to be her favorite. She did not watch the classic series that much so why would they be in the mix for her favorite?

When a fan picks a favorite, there are certain qualities they are looking to see. Each Doctor has different qualities, and we see them on the screen. Some are more charismatic than others, and when I think of charisma, I think of David Tennant.

Tom Baker is probably my favorite, and it is because he is quirky. When I watched him as a child, I found him a little weird at times, but the weirdness made me laugh. He was funny but always got the job done. I love his scarf, hat, his big teeth, and the overall way he approached a problem.

I understand why Jodie says that Tennant is her favorite. When you know someone as well as she knows David, it would be the same for me. I don’t blame her one bit for having David as her favorite.

In conclusion, every fan has a favorite and their reasons for that one being their favorite. Hey, I love Doctor Who, and every other fan does as well. When it comes to the Doctors, we all connect differently with each one. For that reason, we pick a favorite or favorites.

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