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Favorite: Which Episode is Your Favorite, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


In this article from Radio Times, it gives us a picture and small rundown of each episode, and they want the fans to vote for the one they believe was the best. Well, let’s look at this in a differently. Some fans will have a bias for a particular episode maybe two episodes. Therefore, the question to ask is what is your favorite episode of season 11.

Okay, if fans are me, they most likely have two or three which they will choose from as far which one is their favorite. That is okay because each one touches us differently and we interpret things differently as fans. So, if you have more than one favorite, that is fine.

For me, I lean toward Rosa being my favorite, but there are two others which are a close second and third. Yeah, it is hard for me to pick a favorite because I love them all. My objectivity is not the best so you may not agree with my choices, but every person is free to have their own choice or choices.

As far as my most favorite, Rosa touched me more deeply than the others, and that can be because of its connections with America. So, you may say I am wrong for that, but hey what can I say. Now, there are a couple of other episodes which are very close to being my favorites.  The first is Ghost Monument and the second is The Witchfinders.

The Ghost Monument to me was a great way to debut the new TARDIS. The reaction of the Doctors new companions is what we should expect. Then the Witchfinders gets me because of the fact King James appears. The way this episode plays out is something I like. The fact the writer shows the treatment women endured was good.

Okay, that is my favorites and know you have your own. So, feel free to comment on the post to tell me your favorites.




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