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Family: Chris Chibnall Wants a Return to a Family Show, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


When Doctor Who aired for the first time in 1963, family was a big part of the show. Well, in this article by Ben Dowell of Radio Times, we are told that a family feel is what Chris Chibnall wants for his era. James Stong, Chibnall’s friend, and director tells Dowell tells that Chibnall is keen on returning to the beginning.

In the beginning, a family feel is apparent. You see this first in the fact that Susan is the Doctor’s granddaughter. But it isn’t long before Ian and Barbara adopt Susan as their daughter. As a result, watching out for her well being is very prominent. Sometimes it seems they watch over her more than the Doctor.

This idea carries forward as the show moves forward through other incarnations. The Doctor is always at the center and is somewhat of a father figure. The companions are much younger with the Doctor role being a guardian. We this in the way he protects and watches over their safety.

The crew live and work together. The best example of this is the story Earthshock when Adric dies saving everyone else. Everyone but the Doctor cries because Adric dies. Even though The Doctor does not show as much emotion as the others, you can look at him and tell he is hurt.

This idea is not something or does not seem like something at the center of recent years. The last time you have a family feel to the show is while Matt Smith is the Doctor. As a result of the Doctor meeting Amy as a child, he seems to become a father figure to her.

Steven Moffat made family a part of the series because Amy and Rory would become husband and wife. Then later we discover they have a child who will become the Doctor’s wife, River Song. Which is a whole new twist to the story.

The family mentioned in the article is that Walsh’s character will take on a parental role.(1) The way the companions relate is not known, but it seems evident for them to work together. Being like a family is necessary.

In conclusion, yeah family was a part of some of the classic series stories but seems to have disappeared. Is that why Doctor Who is not as appealing as before? We don’t know, but yes it is possible. Chibnall wanting to return to this idea can bring new viewers. It may also bring back some viewers who left. Whether it works or not fans will have to wait and see. But there is hope it will.











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