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Donna Noble: What a Ride the Tenth Doctor Had, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Donna Noble

I remember seeing Donna Noble just appear in the TARDIS at the end of “Doomsday” in 2006. Of course this is quite a surprise to the Tenth Doctor. Then when we see the Christmas Special which is amply named “The Runaway Bride”.(1)What actually happens I as a fan never would have thought would take place. Catherine Tate will become the Tenth Doctor’s companion for season 4.

We all know the Tenth Doctor wants to be ginger, but is not. Here is another ironic issue for Doctor Who. Russell Davies cast a redhead for the companion. But thing about this one as with Amelia Pond. The companion is great. I really love the way that Donna and the Doctor work together. The writing for these shows is awesome and these are some of my favorite Doctor Who episodes. After seeing Donna the first time in a wedding dress at the end of “Doomsday” and then in “The Runaway Bride” I wasn’t expecting her to be a companion.

The thing is in the back of my mind I see this relationship working for the good of the show. I love Donna Noble and what see brings to Doctor Who. For once she does not have romantic feelings for the Doctor. This is a big change from Martha and Rose. This combination works very well and I hate to see Donna live the show. Of course this is not a new feeling for me. I really don’t like it when any of my favorite companions or Doctors leave the show.

For me of all the companions the Tenth Doctor has Donna is my favorite. She and the Doctor really make the show interesting and I would love to see her come back. The thing is though she can’t. For me the best episode is the one with the Doctor/Donna. I loved that one and the way it plays out. The only thing I don’t like is that the Doctor has to wipe Donna’s memory of him and everything they did together.

Donna was a little abrasive at times but that worked perfectly with the Doctor. I believe they are so good together because of that. See Russell Davies did not really want to bring Donna back, I read that he wants the companion to be someone named Penny who the Doctor would share a romantic attraction.(2) Boy, I am glad that Davies chose to bring Donna Noble back to Doctor Who. Season 4 is absolutely marvelous because he brings back Donna Noble.

I don’t know how many Doctor Who fans love Donna, but this one does. I never look forward to losing any of the companions, but this one was a little harder because she and the Doctor work together so well. And I will watch the show with Penny as the companion, but I think it will not be as good if Donna is not the companion for season 4. Thank you Russell Davies for allowing Donna to the Tenth Doctor’s companion for season 4.

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