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Doctor Who Was Off Way Too Long, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Too Long

The cancellation of Doctor Who in 1989 was devastating the fans of the show. For most of them it was a shocking event and then it stays off the air way too long. Then in 1996, whovians have the pleasure of watching Doctor Who the movie. Then after years of lobbying the BBC Russell Davies gets the okay to start production of Doctor Who in 2005. But why the fan base has to wait until then really seems strange.

After watching an interview with Steven Moffat on the Fan Show. Fans find out how much of a Doctor Who fan Moffat really is. In this interview he says, “I am surprised that Doctor Who is off the air as long as it is.” Most fans if not all completely agree with him on that statement. But they understand that it will take a change in leadership at the BBC for the show to be revived.

There is an article somewhere that tells that Russell Davies begins to lobby the BBC in the 1990s to bring the show back. And once Davies starts, he does not stop until he gets the go ahead to film season one. This is a great day for Whovians around the world. But what seems strange is that there is not a bigger uproar because of the cancellation. Of course, fans of the show very well could have been crying out for the show’s return and there was not any news of an outcry.

The fans of the show do understand that allot of the older shows have really bad special effects. This was mostly because of budget limitations. But some of the stories and the monsters are absolutely grand. During the years of the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, the show really grew and became well known. The people in the UK already know how great the show was, but in the early 1980s the world finally sees how great. Or at least that was when this fan began to watch it and falls in love with it.

Now, as a fan it can be said that the thought of Doctor Who returning to production was not possible. That was the last thing many fans see for the show. That was basically because they do not know that there are writers like Russell Davies and Steven Moffat in the UK who are huge Doctor Who fans. Thanks to the work of Davies in the 1990s fans now see Doctor WHo on our tvs again. Fans now can’t wait for the next new season, they even get mad because they delay the start of the new season they are shooting.

This fan thinks that it took too long for the BBC to bring back my favorite sci-fi television show.  Knowing how many fans out there who believe this is not really possible. But this fan does believe that Moffat and Davies will agree that Doctor Who was off the air too long.

In conclusion, the BBC says they will film Doctor Who for several more year. There will always be reruns of Doctor Who, but this fan’s hope is that there will always be new seasons of Doctor Who.  Most if not all fans wish that it remains for many more years.

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