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Doctor Who to be in New York City, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Doctor Who in New York

Doctor Who in New York, what a concept. Now you may wonder what I am talking about after reading these words. Your idea may be that they are shooting the show in New York City. Well, that is not out of the question since they shoot Doctor Who around the world. Therefore, your assumption is warranted. To tell your the truth, if I read that I will assume the same thing.

However, that is not the case. a little over an hour before I begin this post, and article becomes available which states that the stars of Doctor Who are going to be in New York City for Comic Con. I haven’t ever been to a Comic Con nor have I been to New York City, but this is exciting news for whovians. Pearl Mackie was just introduced as Bill earlier this year and then to get Peter there as well is awesome.(1)  I really wish I had a way to get to this event. The reason for this comes from the fact that Steven Moffat will also be there with them. Then I hope I am not wrong, but from the article I take that Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman will also be there, but on a separate panel by the name Tales of the TARDIS.(2)

Apparently Capaldi has been to a Comic Con, it was in San Diego, CA. So, this weekend’s appearance will be his first in New York City.(3) What really makes this great is that there are more great stars who will attend. On the American side of show business, Matt Damon, Keanu Reeves, Kate Beckinsale, and Matt Lucas will be there.(4) 

If you are really dense like me sometimes, you may not know what a Comic Con is. From what I understand, it is like a festival or convention where those who attend come looking like their favorite comic book characters or fictional characters.

Doctor Who in New York is going to be great event for the city and the whovians who can get there. I honestly wish I can go, but the distance and amount of money it takes leaves me out. As whovian from before DOctor Who fans receive the tag whovian. It breaks my heart that I can’t go, but I will get over it. For all those within reach by distance and monetarily, I hope you have fun and can meet Peter, Pearl, Matt, Jenna, and Steven and pick their brains for great information about the show. Honestly, I don’t even know what fictional character I would show up as.

THis New York Comic Con is going to be great. I hope things go well for all the actors and actresses attending along with the fans. Go, and have fun as you meet your favorite fictional characters


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