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Doctor Who Fans Want Jodie to Sound Northern, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Doctor Who Fans

Doctor Who fans have spoken! Okay, what did they say about the Thirteenth Doctor. Personally, I have not heard Jodie speak so I truly do not know what I want as far as an accent goes. According to this article  from Radio Times, Doctor Who fans want WHittaker to keep her northern accent. I neither know what that means nor I have ever heard her speak.

I believe that most of the Doctors except maybe David Tennant spoke with their regular accent. Tennant was ask not to use his Scottish accent and he did very well. But, Capaldi and others were not asked to change their accent. So, I guess that will be okay as long as Doctor Who benefits from it.

If there is one thing I need to do is actually find something in which Whittaker stars in and listen to her. I do know that the UK is much like America in that the accents differ by region, and I personally love the accents from the UK, and believe whatever accent they chose to use will work very well.

I personally accent is not what makes the Doctor’s character. To me it is the personality and the way they carry themselves. Their acting style and other things are part of it as well. If Whittaker is a great actor then she will be great as the Doctor. I tell you now and it is not because of the accent of the Doctor I watch the program.

Doctor is not about the accent of the main character, but I guess for some they think her accent will be killer. What I believe is important right now is getting this show pointed in the right direction. As a result, I hope that Chris Chibnall does just that.


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