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The Doctor Never Really Wants to Die and Change, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


To die and change is something which comes more often than the Doctor wishes.  The change of the Doctor is part of the alien race which he is associated. The Timelords are an alien race which receives a cycle of life with 12 regenerations. As a result, they can have 13 incarnations. Because of this they have 13 different faces.

The change comes whenever a Timelord’s present body is worn out or dies. Death can come in many different ways, but they can change in order to live on. I find this amazing and to some extent wish I can do the same. But I know that is only in science fiction like Doctor Who.

I can see where the Doctor finds it hard to change. I mean, you are living as one person per sey and your body dies. You change apperance and in many ways you are not the same person. To me, this seems to be a human quality in the Doctor. As a human, most people including myself find it hard to say goodbye. Grief is something all people feel from time to time because they lose a loved one. I just don’t know how I will take it if I am the one changing into a different person.

This change is something he does not like maybe because he leaves his old persona and gains a new one. With the Doctor, it takes place this Christmas special for the 12th time. We see in the last episode the Doctor fighting the regeneration off. He does not want to change. What I find interesting is that his original persona shows up. I believe they are on the tenth planet before the Doctor regenerates for the for first time. That is a cliffhanger which will bring many back for the Christmas special.

We know change is coming because Peter Capaldi is leaving the role. We do not know who the next Doctor is and I am fine with that. I am looking forward to the next cast, crew and production team to take over. I believe that the show will make big strides when Chris and his team take over. Seeing the Doctor again maybe less than desireable, but it will good for the show.

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