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Doctor Who and Its Monsters: Which one is the Scariest, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Monsters are an integral part of Doctor Who. From the beginning the program has been one which has different kinds of monsters. Some of the aliens such as the Daleks can and are considered monsters. But in recent years the writers and producers are bringing in new monsters. Some of these are probably some of the scariest.

With Doctor Who being a science fiction program just about anything goes. The creative minds over the years bring Daleks, Cybermen, Silurians, and many others. I really do not know where they get these monsters and aliens. They seem to always bring the audience the best and scariest monsters you see on television. But then we consider the show is originally for children. How do all these monster fit with the children. I figure parents don’t want there children not sleeping at night because of some monster on Doctor Who. You have to admit some of them will make you lose sleep.

Because there are so many different aliens and monsters on Doctor Who, I will only touch on few of them. The two or three I want to focus is two which are from the time of David Tennant’s time as the Doctor. After watching three episodes of the fourth season of Doctor Who,  I realize there are horrifying creatures on the program.

Vashta Nerada

The first is the Vashta Nerada, because of their invisibility these guys are very scary. In all honesty, you cannot see them, therefore you are not aware of them being there. How would you like it if you walk in a room and run into these monsters. The Doctor faces them here and apparently in another time as well. he know about them all to well. The Vashta Nerada are extremely scary. Once they latch onto your shadow you only have a very short time to live.

Midnight Monster

In Midnight, there is a creature we are not given a name. This one is very scary as well. This particular creature attaches itself to its victim and takes over its body. What is scary about this creature is that it can survive in glavonic radiation. I really do not know what it will do to anyone because the travels get rid of it before it can. One thing I do notice though is it strikes fear into those it terrorizes.

Weeping Angels

The last one I want to talk about is the Weeping Angels. These may be the scariest. We meet them first in Don’t Blink. With these guys, they move very quickly when you look away. You cannot blink or turn your eyes away from them. When you do they move toward you. Once you look back at them they become statues. These also are very scary monsters.

I honestly do not know which monsters are the scariest, but I can tell you the minds behind Doctor Who are very creative and bring their fans great and scary monsters. What I can say that without some of the monsters on the chow it would not be as interesting. I love the sci-fi creatures on Doctor Who and always hope for new ones.

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