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Doc: Graham Does Not Seem to Say Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Alright, for what seems to be for the First time, a companion refers to the Doctor as Doc. So, what do fans think about that? Is there something special about Graham calling her by that name? Maybe there isn’t a reason for it, but it does seem a bit strange to some fans.

As long as Doctor Who has been on the air, there does not seem to any other time where one of the companions call him/her Doc. Of course, there is not anything wrong with it, but what does it mean. Okay, it means Doctor, but is there something else fans can see in it? Does it reveal anything about the relationship between Graham and the Doctor? Does it go deeper than that?

Now, calling the Doctor, Doc does not mean anything other than they are close friends. Which some may say, well, how fast do you get that close to someone? Maybe, he does see the Doctor as a close friend. If you look all they have been through together since they met, one may see their friendship growing fast.

It does seem a little weird not hear him call her Doctor. Does the way he says it tell the fans anything about him? If they watch from the beginning, they find out Graham is a no-nonsense kind of guy. He seems simple and wants Ryan to accept him as his step-granddad.

Does he call her Doc because he is the leader of the companions? He is the oldest and seems as if they look to him. Which would be the right thing to do, since he is the oldest. So, do the other two look up to him? It seems that way at times, but each companion has his or her place on the team.

Is the fact Graham calls the Doctor, Doc, something with an ultimate meaning? There may be some underlying meaning, but then it may not. Who knows and who wants to find out? It all apart of Graham and it has more to do with him as a person than anything else.


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