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David Tennant Thoughts on Early Life, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Early Life

David Tennant early life begins as any other human being. I mean you are not just hatched from an egg or a stork brings you to your parent, lol. He is the child of Dr. Alexander McDoanld and Helen McLeod. His birth place is Bathgate Lothian.(1) I here these names and place of birth and as with other actors and people at times I really want to travel there. This of course is Scotland and therefore he is Scottish. Well, that is a duh moment and I am sorry to be so dunce. As with most boys and girls he has a brother and sister he grows up with and probably in most cases fights with at times. This of course is just part of having siblings.

Tennant’s father is a local minister and I can in some way relate with this. (2)His father is most likely strict and tries to keep him and his siblings in church and on the right track in their lives. This is not always the case with children, but I feel that for sometime they go to church with their father.

What I find interesting about Tennant is the fact that an early age he decides he want to act.(3) Now, the age of three is real early and I am sure his parents are like sure man. We believe and wish you the best. I know that sounds sarcastic and his parents may sounded the same way. I really do not know because I was not there and not yet born. As a father myself, I always try to encourage my children to the best they and hope they succeed at whatever they endeavor to do. His parents may have encouraged him allot in his early life, but if they didn’t he still did what his desire is.

He is a big fan of Doctor Who. As a result, he does not miss an episode of Doctor Who. This sounds allot like me. I really hate it if I miss a new show or even that I have classic shows I have not seen. As a young man, he meets Tom Baker at a book signing in Glasgow. What he finds I am guessing is disturbing to him. He says, “he was absurdly single-minded in pursuing an acting career.”(4) From the statement, most people will think that Baker is not the Doctor yet or maybe it is after his time as the Doctor. I cannot determine he time frame without the date of their encounter being given.  Consequently, this does not deter Tennant in his dream of being an actor working on Doctor Who.

Tennant attends Ralston Primary and Paisley Grammar School for his education. Because of his desire to act he takes part in production the school puts on during is time there.(5) Therefore, what I believe and what I do as a child or teenager wishing to act is this. I act in as many school productions in order to hone my skills and hope fora break. He does this to show his love for acting and I am sure this helps him to get better at acting.

Tennant is an impressive young actor, because the Scottish actress Edith MacArthur tells his parents he will become a successful stage actor.(6) This is amazing for an 11 year old boy. If you think about this, he impresses a actress at the age of eleven to the point that she can say he will make as an actor. That is amazing and I am sure it gave the young Tennant lots of confidence.

Tennant begins to take acting seriously as do hi parents. I say this because I figure that is all he talks about with them as well him attending Saturday classes at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. He will also pass an audition for the Academy and be one of their younger students.(7) Personally, I would do the same thing. What I mean here is, if you desire to be a professional in any profession. That is areas like football, baseball, basketball, and hockey just to name few. You will need to train. Withe the sports there are not classes but you do compete against team mates as you practice together.

Tennant’s birth name is David John McDonald. he changes his name for the same reason I would. I mean if someone has the same name, I will want to have a unique name that way I am more memorable. So, he change his name to Tennant after the Pet Shop Boys Neil Tennant.(8) Great choice on his part. Who knows what will happen for David McDonald if he does not change his name. The rest is history because David Tennant has a great ongoing career as an actor.

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