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Daleks: Enemy of the Doctor Part 1, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Where do I start on the Daleks, the first enemy of the Doctor. Doctor Who fans probably love and remember this enemy the most. The Daleks are not very complicated nor pretty, but they are a very big part of Doctor Who. They also are the first evil race the Doctor faces as well as his first enemy. They of course return to the show many more times.

Early on in Doctor Who the fans do get to see the actual creature itself because of tank-like containers. They are like robots but then again they are not. Ok, they are and then they are not, so I just confused you right. This enemy is like a little green blob with a face only. They have a few appendages but only small ones they use to make their vessel of travel to move. They are a very angry bunch of aliens. The race is on a mission to rule over the universe or at least that is what I gain from the stories I watch.

Terry Nation is the man behind the creation of this feared enemy. They are an enemy without mercy for other races and if crossed will exterminate anyone who gets in the way. The robotic machines they use to get around in are unique to them and they have weapons on them that will destroy anyone who gets in their way.

Now, when it comes to other races in the universe, the Daleks think they are all inferior to them. They basically destroy any race they deem inferior in order to conquer the universe. But, I also believe they would rather have other races conform to their ways in order to use them within their race before exterminating them.

When you watch Doctor and see the origin of the Daleks, there are two different accounts.  In 1963, we the name of the race as the Dals. Which seems logical to some extent. All Nation does is ad an ‘ek’ to the end of the species name. Well, this all changes from what I understand in the 1970s. Dals turn in to Kaleds. This is in Genesis of Daleks when the Fourth Doctor travels to Skaro and meets the scientist who engineered the Daleks, Davros. The claim in the Genesis of the Daleks is that Davros has genetically modified the Kaleds and give the tank like robotic shells. Then at the same time removes all emotions except for hate. (1)

After a thousand year war between the Kaleds and Thals, the Kaleds begin to mutate. The damage from the nuclear war is very extensive. Therefore, we get the Daleks. This is where Davros comes in and modifies the genes to make them ruthless killing machines.

Now, Terry Nation the mind behind the Daleks, and bases these creatures from the Nazis. (2) And if anyone knows anything about the Nazis, they felt their race was superior to all others especially the Jews. This, of course, is a great example to follow and has been good since these aliens came on the scene in 1963.




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