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The Daleks: The First Serial from 1963, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The Daleks

The Daleks is the first appearance of this well known enemy of the Doctor. alien enemy of the Doctor make a big splash that continues til today. The first time I see them is during the reign of The Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, in The Genesis of the Daleks.

The Doctor leaves the junkyard in London in fear of his new passengers giving away the secret of him being an alien. He does not know where he is going and he lands in a jungle on an alien planet. Apparently, the Doctor has not ever been to this planet. After landing on the planet, the crew discover there are two races which have been waging a nuclear war. This war causes much damage not only to the planet, but also the people of the planet. The Dals begin to mutate from the radiation and get to the point they must have the radiation to live. Whereas the other race requires anti-radiation drugs to survive.(1)


I am telling you the truth, the Doctor is a poor pilot. The man does not even know where he is, and he takes a little while to discover exactly where they are. The malfunctioning of the TARDIS control is part of the story the writers use as something to write around. While I see that, I also see an attempt to make the viewers think the Daleks are destroyed. The doctor wants to return to the earth but winds up on this alien planet. Upon exiting the TARDIS, the jungle is apparent and the curiosity of the Doctor raised. From the beginning I see that he loves to explore the places he goes. Over and over again he tries to persuade the crew to go to the city.(2)

When the crew first lands, the writers do not show anything which indicates the radiation or at least I do not remember th story line giving this information. But this is important for the crew to know so, I suppose it is in there somewhere before they exit the TARDIS.

The City

The Doctor is a sneaky old man. While Barbara and Ian don’t desire to go to the city, Doctor continues to urge them. Well, in a sneaky move, he tells them the mercury in the TARDIS is running law and that they need to go to the city to find some. Well, this as usual causes problems. The crew is captured and for the first time I see a Dalek,lol, actual not because I have already seen The Genesis of the Daleks, Well, you know what I mean.

I am there and the radiation is having a toll on me, right. Well, that is exactly what is going on with the TARDIS crew. They are getting radiation poisoning and need help. Susan is sent to retrieve the drugs the Thals left outside of the TARDIS. Because Susan returns to the TARDIS she has a close encounter of the third kind. Well, I mean she meets the Thal who placed the anti-radiation drugs near the TARDIS. With the crew in jail, Susan wants to free them through peace negotiations. From the outside looking in I know there is not going to be an peace but they try.

Through all this, the Daleks accept anti-radiation drugs as part of the peace negotiations. And as I thought the Daleks can’t be trusted and betray the Thals. But, I don’t know if the Daleks are just stupid or what. To me since they require radiation to live the anti-radiation drugs will harm them if I am right. Consequently, this is what happens. The anti-radiation drugs cause damage and even death to the Daleks.(3)

The Escape

Ok, it is not a Doctor Who story without the Doctor and his crew leaving the scene, right. Apparently, the Doctor knows what is going to happen and in the chaos they escape. Well, not really. They cannot get away from the planet because of the ploy the Doctor uses to get hem to the city. In order for them to lave they must have the fluid links to the TARDIS and must convince the Thals to help. If I am the Thals, I am like please leave me alone. You are not getting my help. You are not changing my mind, but somehow the TARDIS crew does just that.(4)

The End

The TARDIS crew and the Thal unleash an attack on the Daleks. They win and are able to leave thinking the Daleks are dead. But the suspense builds. As they are leaving an explosion takes place in the TARDIS knocking the crew out.(5)


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