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Dalek: Episode 6 of Season 1 Was Fantastic, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

In my quest to watch Season 1 of the revived series, I was fascinated by Dalek. The Doctor and Rose land in a bunker in Utah in 2012. This bunker is like a museum of alien artifacts, and once we meet the owner, Henry van Statten, he says it is the biggest as well as the most complete collection on Earth.(1)

What the Docter finds is everything from a Slavine arm to a Cyberman head which he says he knows. But Statten’s prize artifact is a Dalek which fell from the sky. Which he has been torturing it in hopes of having it speak. As I the story progress, he first speaks when he meets the Doctor. I loved this because it is a connection is made between the last Dalek and the Last Time Lord.

Of course, any Doctor Who story involving a Dalek always turns hostile and the humans don’t have a chance. The use of Rose touching the Dalek to regenerate it was awesome. Then what occurs after the regeneration is not necessarily unseen. Robert Shearman’s idea to use the DNA of Rose to bring him back is a great idea. It is through this, in the end, we find the Dalek has emotions which he can’t understand. And in the end, he destroys himself. But not after a lot of destruction and killing. One point I love is where the guard, Rose, and Adam think they are safe because they think he can’t climb stairs. But low and behold it can elevate. This was a great change in the Dalek.

Jackie being concerned about Rose’s safety is something I find good as well as the Doctor’s response. As for Jackie’s concern, I can see where she is coming. She honestly doesn’t know who the Doctor is. Therefore, her concerns are real.

Christopher Eccleston does a great job in this story from my standpoint. The range of emotions in the story are immense, and I find that Eccleston handles them well. He does an awesome job using each emotion in the story. He has to show everything from anger all the way to almost crying because he thinks about being the last Time Lord. As well as, seeing him as the last of its kind.

Overall, I find Dalek as a great episode and story. I loved Dalek and find that Eccleston is becoming a Doctor I like. This story has its ups and downs, but overall it was a good story and worth watching.

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