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Cybermen: Cyborg Enemy Part 4 Spinoffs, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Cybermen Spinoffs

Now, Cybermen spinoffs are cool. Personally, I have not seen or read any of the books mentioned in the article I found the information. The Cybermen are not in motion pictures like the Daleks and it kind of makes you wonder about the popularity, right. Although, the BBC or any other production company has not made a Cybermen movie, does not any way take away from their popularity.

Cybermen spinoffs are another way for fans to see and read about this enemy of the Doctor. This does not mean the Doctor is apart of the novel or movie. From what I have read he is not even in some of the spinoffs. Which is cool as long as you don’t mind not seeing or reading about the Doctor. But really, I cannot think about the Cybermen without thinking about the Doctor. Because the Cybermen are something we first see in 1966 in The Tenth Planet, the separation of the Cybermen from the Doctor is foreign.

There is only one case where the Doctor does not appear in the spinoff. Because of the way the company did the spinoff, it makes me think that maybe they could get into trouble. Then at the same I can’t see where they will be as interesting as the those from BBC and the novels. I could be wrong on this but it just does not seem right.

Much like the Daleks, the Cybermen are in plays, novels, and comics. All of this happens and I don’t know anything about it. Their popularity is something that really seems to come from being a part of Doctor Who.  I am not complaining about it because for one the Cybermen are part of a British and the spinoffs are mostly from Britain. The second reason is because I do not read allot, so that means I probably would not read the books. So, basically I am not going to complain about this. I just enjoy learning about the show and the parts that make it popular.

The only videos and audio series made outside of BBC ok is with BBV. There are three of these. Audios are Cyber-hunt and Cybergeddon and the video is Cyberon.(1) The video features Cyberons which are not different from Cybermen.(2) To me, as I said earlier, I don’t see how they got away with this, but it may have been because they did not use the name Cybermen.

The rest of the spinoffs I see are in comics, novels, and plays. These all have the Doctor present. There are several different novels, audio books, and plays. Big finish production are a part of the audio books as it is with the Daleks. Even one of the men who plays the Cyber leader from Earthshock to Silver Nemesis writes books about the Cybermen.(3)

It is always amazing to me how popular Doctor Who is. I look at the Daleks and Cybermen and see they have just as big a following as the Doctor himself. This just goes to show you, being apart of Doctor makes you very recognizable.

Maybe one day I will take the time to read the books, find the audio books, and find the videos. I want to hear and see how they use the Cybermen.




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