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Cybermen: Cyborg Enemy Part 2: Classic Series, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Classic Series

I really do not know where to start.  The Cybermen have been apart of Doctor Who since the fourth season of the classic series. These metal men are as scary as they come. But they are an enemy of the beloved Doctor  Therefore, they return many times even after their destruction. Much like the Daleks the Doctor never gets away from seeing these guys and having to foil a plan they have to conquer some defenseless planet.

I love these guys as much as I do the Daleks. They make for good viewing. They may be metallic in look but they are intelligent and put up a good fight. As a result, they give the Doctor all he can handle when they show up. What I am posting about with this guys here is their appearances in the classic series. I am going to honest with you on this one as well,  there are a few of these serials that I personally have not had a chance to see. Mostly those in which Patrick Troughton is the Doctor.

In 1966, the First Doctor faces the Cybermen for the first time. The ordeal is enough to wear him out and cause him to have to renew his body at the end. This is the first time the audience sees the face of the Doctor change. The name of this serial is The Tenth Planet, because of the change the we see William Hartnell become Patrick Troughton the Second Doctor. I read a little bit about the Cybermen before writing this and find is amazing that fear cause a race of people to change their bodies slowly into machines without emotions. Therefore, I do not understand the Mondasians a human like race would rid themselves of all emotions.

Whoever chose to bring this enemy to Doctor Who gets my applause. These guys are almost indestructible, and give the Doctor fits. They visit the second Doctor four time and the First Doctor once. Then over the next five incarnations the Doctor only faces them four times. Because of this, I at times believe they are not present enough. I would like to see them more often, but I also understand there are other plots and other enemies to write into the program.

The Classic series has the serials, The Moonbase, The Tomb of the Cybermen, Wheel in Space, the Invasion, Revenge of the Cybermen, Earthshock, Attack of the Cybermen, and Silver Nemesis. Every incarnation of the Doctor faces the Cybermen for some reason or another, except the third incarnation, Jon Pertwee. It is during his time that all he see is apparently dead on in The Carnival of Monsters. (1)

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