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Creation of the Daleks from Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Daleks Creation

On the basis of what I have read and seen I want to just say a few things about these popular enemies of the Doctor. Creation of the Daleks comes in 1963.(1) What I find fascinating about the whole the thing is that the producer Verity Lambert pulls the trigger really early.

After seeing the first serial An Unearthly Child, the Doctor and his crew are transported to planet of the Daleks. I personally can see and think about all that goes into the creation of such creatures. Terry Nation apparently wants to give the audience a new kind of alien. Now, I really do not know what people in 1963 think about aliens. Consequently all that I write is speculation. The world idea about what aliens look like has changed over the last 50 years. Although in 1963 the idea of the Daleks is something new and refreshing. Terry Nation creates them and Raymond Cusick designed the tank like shell to house the dalek body.(2)

The Daleks are something which is exclusive to Doctor Who. Therefore anyone else to use them they must go through Nation and the BBC. Well, just shortly after their debut on television, two films are made.(3) As far as the movies go, I have not seen them. From my research and reading on them, they are totally different from the television show. Personally, I can see where they can be different. For one, if the BBC does not make them, there are issues which will not allow the movie company to make them exactly like the TV program.

The creation of the Daleks is a landmark for the BBC. Thee popularity far surpasses anything they will hope. The audience falls in love with them and I see why. You have a highly intelligent humanoid name the Doctor who faces off with foes. His first foe and one which is still here as of today makes for good entertainment. I am thankful that Nation creates these little mutants. They have brought many good shows and stories lines. I know the creation story has changed over the fifty years, but we still have Daleks. Every Doctor except the eighth has faced the Daleks at some point in their incarnation.

The war doctor may have faced them but that I am not so sure about. I do not have enough information to determine that. What I can say is he is in the Time War, therefore if that is an indication then yes he does face the Daleks.

While the DAleks are an enemy and the cause trouble. I still like to see them. I am not saying they are my favorite enemy, but they rank very highly. Nation did a great job in the creation. He gives us an enemy we can see every season from the start. It does not matter what the Doctor does, he never can get rid of them.



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