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In this article from Radio Times, there is some new information on the novelization of Rose. There are possible spoilers so read it at your own risk. As a fan, I do find it interesting, that Davies created more incarnations of the Doctor. Of course, it is only an opinion, and it may not be a shared opinion.

Asking a question at this point is necessary. Why did Davies add this to the novel? The writer of the article believes it may be ideas for Chris Chibnall to use in the future. Well, Davies may not be the showrunner, but I have noticed he is still in the loop when it comes to Doctor Who. He does get information about the show before fans and knows more about what is going on more than we as fans.

The best Doctor Who is all that fans want. So, since Davies created these new incarnations will they be the best for Doctor Who? What can be said is it does bring some excitement to the hearts of fans. We then wonder will it happen the way the book portrays it or will Chibnall leave it in the book.


Now, I did read the whole article, so there may be spoilers beyond this point. That is if Chibnall decides to use what is in the book. If you are reading this and don’t like spoilers stopping here will be a good idea.

Everyone who has watched Rose knows that she meets with a man named Clive. He has collected pictures of the Ninth Doctor throughout time which convinced him the Doctor is immortal. But it is clear that Davies references the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors. Not only them but created new incarnations. The excerpt below clearly shows this.

Rose saw a photo of a man with a fantastic jaw, dressed in a tweed jacket and bow tie. Then Clive kept the sequence going; an older, angry man in a brown caretaker’s coat, holding a mop; a blonde woman in braces running away from a giant frog in front of Buckingham Palace; a tall, bald black woman wielding a flaming sword; a young girl or boy in a hi-tech wheelchair with what looked like a robot dog at their side…(1)

Now, you take it for what it is worth and you decide what you believe. It is strange Davies does this, but does it mean anything? I can’t say it does or doesn’t, but it does make you think about what the future holds for Doctor Who.

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