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Classic Monsters: Which should return to Doctor Who?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Classic Monsters

In this article by Thomas Ling, he tells us which classic monsters Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies would love to see again. As a fan, I don’t see any problem with bringing classic monsters to new who. I love the fact the Moffat brought back the Ice Warriors in Season 10. They are one monster that I had not seen before Season 10.

RTD’s choice is one I haven’t seen, but he says he would like to see them bring back Krontons. These guys appeared during Patrick Troughton’s time as the Doctor. Ling says the Doctor faced them three times. These guys seem to be a fascinating monster though. They were crystallized creatures who could change their bodies to suit any situation. They were a very formidable monster, but the Doctor finds a way to defeat them.

Steven Moffat’s choice is one more familiar to me. Since Tom Baker is my first Doctor, I have seen Ark In Space several times. I love Baker and believe Moffat’s choice is a better one. Of course, that can change if I get to see the Krotons. But I remember the Wirrn and would lean toward them only because I have seen them.

Could I choose a classic monster I wish to see return? Well, probably not. Since I had my head injury, I would need to rewatch every episode available from Hartnell to McCoy. What I remember from most of the classic series is vague, and I cannot make any choices at this time. There are some great monsters and foes from the classics series. Some of them can be brought forward and be good for new who.  I don’t doubt the people in charge of Doctor Who can do it.

It is good that Moffat and Davies gave this information out. It can mean that we see a classic monster in the future we have not seen for a long time. But that all depends on Chibnall and whether he wishes to do that.


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