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Centenary Special: Do Classic Doctors Return, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Centenary Special

As fans look forward, they know a new era is coming. But Jodie and Chris Chibnall have one last episode. The centenary special to celebrate sixty years of Doctor Who. Everyone knows they will see the return of Ace and Tegan, but will they see classic Doctors as well? The idea isn’t bad. Multiple Doctor shows do happen. They usually occur to celebrate special events.

Classic fans remember The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, and The Two Doctors. Newer fans remember the Day of The Doctor and Once Upon a Time. These stories all have multiple doctor appearances. Do fans want more than one doctor in the centenary special? Well, the author of this article believes it may. What do fans think about it? As a fan, the idea may work, but the returning companions are necessary. They need to reunite the fifth Doctor with Tegan and the seventh Doctor with Ace. It doesn’t make any sense other than the fourth Doctor because of the doctor companion relationship.

Well, as fans, their choices don’t matter. They have thoughts and hopes. Fans look forward to exciting stories. Will this episode be exciting? Fans hope it is and should be because of Whittaker’s regeneration. It is the end of an era, and Chibnall wants to go out with a bang. What will he add to the special? Will fans see classic Doctors? They are now hoping. So much will take place between now and the special. How will it all play out? What do you want to happen?

The idea of McCoy and Davison returning makes perfect sense. Will Chibnall ask them? Well, fans hope he does. Fans will waited for all the different parts to the special to come together. So, please wait patiently for the announcement of other aspect of the centenary special?



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