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Barbara Wright Second Female Companion, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Barbara Wright

Jacqueline Hill portrays the Doctor second companion. Her name on the show is Barbara Wright and we see her first as one of Susan’s teachers at Coal Hill school.(1) Along with her colleague Ian Chesterton, through certain circumstance they meet the Doctor and begin travelling with him.

It is An Unearthly Child that we meet Barbara Wright. She and Ian notice Susan as an extremely intelligent girl and becomes concerned when she is confused over some of the teaching she is receiving at the school. Basically what happens is that she and Ian follow Susan home one day. In the process of the happenings around the Doctor, Susan, and the TARDIS.

Barbara and Ian are surprised by what they find when they follow Susan home. They see she lives in a police call box and that it is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. After they discover the DOctor’s secret the Doctor whisk them away.

Barbara was a good companion for the Doctor. From the little I have seen of her she may try to hard sometimes and cause unneeded grief. Other than that she does a great job. Taking up for Susan and trying to help the Doctor.

She will be a part of the TARDIS crew for two years leaving at the end of the Chase. Barbara Wright is great friend to Susan.  Always trying to help her and in some way trying to protect or her from the Doctor. Barbara to me seems very intelligent and catches onto things quickly. She is the perfect companion for the Doctor because to me she seems to truly care for Susan. I pick this up from the beginning. I do not think that SHe and Ian follow Susan back to the junkyard if there is not desire to care for Susan. Now, why , I suppose you can say because she is a teacher who wants her student not be in distress over what she is learning. Therefore, both Barbara Wright and Ian both take to Susan.

Barbara goes on the ride of her life, because of the Doctor’s fears of others learning about the TARDIS and who he really is. Anyone who watches the show knows the Doctor is no the best pilot when it comes to the flying his TARDIS. So, once he decides to leave the junkyard it is a crap shoot as to where they are going.

Without a choice in the matter and Barbara rides with the Doctor to mysterious planet and places for two years always rushing into things and trying to help Susan. To me it seems she more worried about Susan than anything else. Always making sure things are good with Susan as if Susan is a child. Barbara Wright shows motherly qualities by protecting Susan so many times in the show, and may honestly love her like a daughter.

There are times she gets herself in trouble both with the Doctor and the people of the planet they land. One way this is seen is when she tries to change history. This makes the Doctor angry and he ties to tell her not to but she does not listen. Trying her best to change things she believes is wrong, but they fall on deaf ears with the natives.

Well, Barbara Wright put her mark on the show, before leaving with Ian at the of the serial The Chase. She made a mark because her name is mentioned after leaving the TARDIS crew. SO, as far her being good for show, I will say yes!

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