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Bad Wolf Productions: Is Doctor Who Better?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Bad Wolf Productions


According to this article from Screen Rant, Chris Chibnall makes a shocking admission. What does Chibnall admit in the interview with Doctor Who Magazine? First off, do fans believe what he says? Secondly, is he simply making excuses? Thirdly, can the blame be laid totally on Chibnall? Here is something a fan will look at as well. Considering he is the third showrunner since the revival of Doctor Who, can he make the budget excuse? Can you tie the quality problems to a low budget? Sorry, that is what the author and Chibnall seem to be doing. If budget constraints are a problem, why did Davies and Moffat produce quality episodes? Well, maybe the answer is Bad Wolf Productions.


Does the BBC fix Doctor Who by allowing Bad Wolf Productions to produce Doctor Who? The answer to the production woes can be. Fans deserve better. The BBC needs to change things. Firstly, get an outside company to produce the show. Secondly, change the producer, and thirdly, change your focus. The answer to poor quality does not lie in one part of the production.


The BBC has more issues than the limits in budget. Therefore, Doctor Who needs more changes. The BBC looks to be moving in the right direction. But are the changes made enough? Can fans tie show quality to a limited budget? Does letting Bad Wolf productions produce Doctor Who solve the problems? Whether the BBC admits it or not, changes need to come. They are making changes to keep Doctor Who interesting. Will they do enough? Finally, the major problem outside the budget is this. According to this post, the problem is greater than the budget and showrunner. The real problem is the BBC focus. They seem to think the showrunner makes the show better alone.

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