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Arachnids in the UK Was Different, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Doctor Who’s genre is science fiction. Therefore, how fictitious an episode varies. Arachnids in the UK brings viewers a large number of very big spiders. For some, it is welcome as with others they are creeped out by it. But, the story for some may have been around a different point.

Now, some viewers may not have seen this, but after watching it and considering all parts of the story, there was something which stands out. According to the story, the spiders mutated because of the dumping of toxic waste. Which means they were poking at those people who are polluting the earth. Maybe this person is the only who sees this, but there has to be more.

The story itself was good and not as scary to some as to others. The Doctor and everyone else did a good job, was able to the attention of the viewers. Mostly because of the giant spiders. As always, there is one rich person who causes the problem. And he will do anything to make a buck.

It is sad that some of the story is true. In life, we all know people like Robertson. And of course, the attacks all is pointed at him. The story portrays something people see from some rich people. But it is to the extreme because of the dumping of toxic waste in real life will cause giant arachnids. The damage from toxic waste causes is usually fatal to wildlife.

So, to some extent, we can applaud Doctor Who for bringing this up, but as with most things like this, it takes a long time to sink in. The episode is a good one and if you don’t mind seeing spiders. You will like it, but those who are arachnophobic might not want to watch it. It has its sad part with the mother spider dying because she is too large. And the bad guy seems to get the worse in the end.

Okay, maybe this is not what the writers were doing, but it is an underlying message. This writer is not a part of an environmentalist and not trying to start anything. This is just an idea which comes to mind as I watch the episode. You readers may not agree with it but that is okay. But you can agree it is a different idea.

The best part is when the companions decide to stay and continue to travel with the Doctor. Then they all take off going on another adventure with the Doctor. (1)



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