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There Has Been 35 Years Since Peter Davidson Became the Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Peter Davidson

Peter Davidson starts his reign as the Doctor 35 years ago today. When I start watching the program in 1981, he is not the one being aired on LPB. OF course at the time I also don’t know that the Doctor changes. Then sometime later when I am in high school, I see Peter Davidson for the first time.

Peter Davidson’s Doctor is very different from Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor. Peter brings a little more seriousness to the role. I love both Tom and Peter as the Doctor. The differences in the personalities is what makes the show great.

Peter and his cricket outfit and celery on the his collar. THese are the part of him which I remember the most. He does a great job and really makes the show his. His reaction when he sees his face in the mirror is great. He says, “That’s the trouble with regeneration. You never quite know what you’re going to get.” That is a heck of a way to begin your reign as the Doctor. Somewhat confused and like he really did not like his appearance.

I enjoy  the three years he is the Doctor. I don’t know how others feel about him or how the rates are when he is the Doctor. He does have several different companions which aid him in making the show interesting. These include Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan, with Peri coming at the end of his time as the Doctor.

I can’t say that Peter is my favorite of the classic Doctors, but I did like him and don’t mind watching him. He is little less dramatic and to some he may seem boring. Therefore, the loss of viewers might happen. Though his Doctor is different, that is what make Doctor Who so interesting. It is just like Peter said  you just don’t know what you are going to get. But see that is okay, because you don’t want each Doctor to act the same. Each regeneration should bring a new infusion of energy into the role.

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