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1st Doctor Compliments Thirteenth Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

1st Doctor

In this article from Radio times, David Bradley gives high praise of the in coming Thirteenth Doctor actress Jodie Whittaker. Bradley plays the 1st Doctor in the upcoming Christmas Special. He is not the first of the actors to play the Doctor to give praise for Whittaker.

I am not totally familiar with Whittaker as an actress, so at this time I do not know how things are going to go. Bradley states that she has a wicked sense of humor.(1) Now, how that is going to go and how Chibnall will use this is something I do not know.

The First Doctor is not the first to praise Whittaker or even give his approval of the actress.  We see David Tennant, Peter Capaldi, and Matt Smith love the choice of Whittaker as the next Doctor.

What I hate to see how the choice of Whittaker as the 13th Doctor split the fans of Doctor Who.There are many who say that the Doctor should remain a man and then there are others who are looking forward to a female Doctor. So, we have a female and we will either like or not like it. My thing is if the actors who played the doctor before Whittaker are giving their approval why can’t the rest of Who nation do the same.

Most of those against don’t want to give her a chance. They are set on a male Doctor and do not want to see anything else. What we need to see is that the BBC wants a reboot and changes. The show popularity is lacking and the BBC wants to get those ratings back up. They place their trust in Chris Chibnall to do this. As a result we get a change in gender with the main character.

My feelings are I want to see what happens and I am not making any judgements without seeing some action from Whittaker. I trust other actors who play the Doctor and lea some on their words, but I hope that it is good for Doctor Who.




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